Wednesday, November 29, 2006

WHO SAID WHAT.........................

I was just readin the paper the other day n i saw a section, which I used to c everyday. But this day tht section got me thinkin....

Why nt me write a who said wht... so here it is.... If U notice, many ppl say many things but some words stand out.. This precisely is the nature of this post.... Outstandin words form outstandin ppl.....

I have fucked the pussy in my brain big time(ahem) to cull these gems out frm the jackass buffet tht everyone dishes out so oftn....

But then again i started wonderin wht to do with KULDA....So I gave it to him......this is fr u KUlda......So i hope U guys enjoy it....

The proletariat will just hav to wait ........


1) KULDA n SLOW (the guy who tried to con the BANKS by takin 2 loans for the same cause)

Slow motion was fully depressed with his gre exams moc test score Kulda trys to make him feel better

" Yak maga slow tension thago nand hidko " hehehe


2) At Bhagini restraunt:

KULDA (in drunken stupor): You you bloody fellows, take down my ho ho(I tht he wd say hose n panties) house address. U can come in any means..
come in PHYSICAL means or MENTAL means... i i dont care.. U may know ha ha how to come to Judicial
Layout... ba ba but u dont know how to GETOUT of Judicial Layout..


3)BIHARI episode
nirup saar...u must remember this....

The scene happened near a coffee shop in college..a bihari friend of nirup's comes up to him and asks him to teach him a very
baaaad kannada so happened that kulda and was there....n so kulda takes over...
KULDA 2 BIHARI:so you wanna learn a very bad kan word eh?
BIHARI:yeah man
KULDA:ok....see raja i will teach you this word..but you must be seriously physically strong...very
seeeeriouslly physically strong..or else.....
BIHARI:watchin awestruck (Nirup also )
KULDA:physically strong ok...coz it means "nin amman na kaia"



A guy called VIKRAM whom kulda calls ICU was standin on the goal .
some one took a shot on the goal n the ball went to the far corner of the grnd. VIKRAM went to fetch the ball.
Now this VIKRAM character is very weak. He looks like a safety pin. So KULDA calls him ICU .
Anywaz, vikram went to fetch the ball n came running back.
KULDA: Le ICU hoosharo ball jothe harogtya!
VIKRAM(very angry): tika muchkond hogo kulda!
KULDA:Le ICU 4 goal toot bitidya nachake agalva?
VIKRAM:nin hodibekagittu goal ! muka nodu!
KULDA: hohohodkond bande manelli nalku vare ge(4.30) !



We were playin in the ground n
ranadheera n kulda were in the same team , ranadheera misses an easy chance to score a goal.
kulda gets very agitated n shouts
KULDA: le avanan yetkondu joballi ittkondro.



This incident happened in the grnd while playin football . Seena was sittin on the bench . and kulda was strikin .
so kulda does this impossible move n scores a goal ! all of us r watchin spell bound.
seena seein frm the bench was shocked at this . he says

seena:yeno kulda yel ittido ivella isht disa?
silence! then kulda looks at him n says

"" tikdalli ! ""

he he he


M sure all of u r familiar with kuldas departed pet SUNNY

Well once Pilli n us went to kuldas house to pick up a book or somthin n Kuldas dog, as soon as it saw pilli darted out of the door n started humpin pilli's luscious legs.. While pilli tried to get rid of the dog fuckin his leg, we all noticed some strange white thing on sunnys body. Well we all got curious n asked him wht the fuck on earth was tht growse thing n he said " maga my daags got godhi roga, n we are workin on it", n then pilli lost it.......hehehehehe

ever wondered why PILLI walks with a limp ????

I think its bcoz of all the fuckin by SUNNY...
Well on an after thought it might be the GODHI ROGA as well.....

btw was surfin the net n this wht i found :


Similar to a hanky, but used exclusively to clean up semen. Often times, gay men will carry a "Shanky" in their back left pocket should they need to clean semen from their face after a brief truck stop encounter.


A person who is in other words an asswad


Variation of Asshole. Origin: A Wad of Recently used Toilet Paper.

yO sHANKY !!!!!!!